Friday, April 20, 2007

Responsible Writers Wanted for 5 Cents a Word

Another "publisher" who wants to have a publication that can't afford to pay his contributors - you know, the people who make a publication - a decent rate. It seems all these people have one thing in common though - they want dependable, quality writers who can meet deadlines. Sorry, buddy, we're all busier making more than 5 cents per word.

"Looking for women with a passion for writing for an oline publication. No experience needed, just a creative flair that can be responsible and meet deadlines. Looking for women that would be interested in writing about politics, current events, beauty, sex, and/or dating. Just simply tell me about yourself, why you enjoy writing, what you have written, and a sample of the field you would be interested in writing for.
Location: Nationwide
Compensation: around 5 cents per word"


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